Good for business, good for Tāmaki Makaurau
Our campaign Cycling Works for Tāmaki Makaurau has a simple message: protected bike lanes are good for business and good for Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Here’s why.
Project Watch: North Shore and an island
Our final Project Watch for 2024! This episode highlights bike infrastructure wins in the North Shore, and also on Waiheke Island.
Meri Kirihimete 2024!
Kirihimete (Christmas) is rapidly approaching! We’ve put together a few ideas to get you relaxed, creative, and feeling the vibes.
Your 2025 travels in Tāmaki Makaurau’s Inner West look better than ever with these new routes
If you live or move through the area of Point Chev to Westmere, 2025 is your year for easier, breezier transport choices. Here are three safe and delightfully scenic ways to get from the Northwestern Shared Path to these brand new local routes.
Warkworth’s Hill Street fiasco and what it means for community-led transport design
Hill Street is a perfect storm – a complicated and confusing bottleneck with high traffic from the five roads going into it. Now Transport Minister Simeon Brown has withdrawn Government funding for long-awaited improvements – at least in part because they include cycleways.
Surrey Crescent Feedback Guide
Auckland Transports ‘Surrey Crescent and Old Mill Rd improvements’ project is a sorely-needed safety treatment, making it easier for kids, parents, and local shoppers alike to get to their neighbourhood destinations safely and conveniently, in ways other than the private automobile. It fits in to a broader plan, the ‘Inner-west cycleways and street enhancements’ project, which is comprised of long-fought-for improvements on several key arterial and collector roads throughout the area.
Quickfire have-your-say guide: Safe Walking and Cycling Connections around Albany
The Bike Auckland Infrastructure Team have done their official submission on Auckland Transport’s Safe Walking and Cycling Connections around Albany have-your-say. If you live, work, or travel about this part of the city, please get in there and have your say, too!
Trailblazer recognised for pioneering work to clean up East Auckland cyclepaths
Roger Lacey, a volunteer at community group Bike Eastern Suburbs, has been recognised with the annual Trailblazer Award from Bike Auckland.
Greenlane West not living up to its name
Riding through Cornwall Park you see so many people strolling, jogging, wheeling, picnicking, watching animals and smelling flowers. It’s also a particularly safe location to learn and build confidence on their bikes. Lucy Ruck writing to the NZ Herald ponders why accessing the park without a car isn’t easy and is downright unsafe if you try by bike.
Welcome Clare Cudmore to the Bike Auckland Board
We’re delighted to welcome Clare Cudmore to the Bike Auckland Board. She recently completed a Masters in Design focusing on barriers to cycling. We can’t wait to see her learnings in action for the benefit of active transport in Tāmaki Makaurau.