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529 Garage

529 Garage is a community-run bike and scooter registration and recovery service. It’s free and secure and helps to get bikes and scooters that are stolen back to their owners. Widespread 529 Garage use has the power to make bike and scooter theft inconvenient and unprofitable, dampening the stolen bike and scooter market.
The police, or a would-be buyer, is able to look your bike or scooter up on 529 Garage to check if it’s been marked as stolen. This will help you to get your bike or scooter back.
It takes only a few minutes to register your bike or scooter and is easy to do with 529 Garage. Register your bike on the web or download the app:
A 529 shield is an optional, tamper-resistant, weather-resistant decal that has a unique ID code. It adds an extra identifier and layer of protection for your bike or scooter. We recommend you put one on your bike or scooter in a visible location.
Please note that direct purchases from Bike Auckland are sent out for delivery by a volunteer, so there may be a delay in receiving your order!
Will you help us spread the word about 529 Garage and keep people’s bikes safe? Email us at for posters and other resources!
In the meantime, behold, some articles!
More questions? Check out our FAQ.
Bike and E-scooter Locks
The first defense from having your bike or scooter stolen is a decent lock. The rule of thumb is to invest 10% of the bike or scooter’s value into the lock (or, locks) you use for it, but this may differ depending on your situation.
D-locks, folding locks, or chain locks are best. The absolute best locks are angle-grinder resistant D-Locks. These are built using a material which is specifically designed to destroy cutting discs, protecting against the most common tools used to cut through this type of lock.
- It’s best to use more than one type of lock at once, as the tools typically used to break one type of lock aren’t usually as good at breaking the others
- Make sure the lock is off the ground and not on a flat surface – this makes it harder for a thief to cut or break
- When locking a bike, pass the locks through the frame, the rack, and the wheels, if possible
Another great way to keep your bike or scooter safe is to use a Big Street Bikers’ Locky Dock. You can open these with your AT Hop card, or with their App. They lock securely over your bike, scooter, or even your skateboard. They also have a secure charging port for e-bikes and e-scooters, if you bring your own charger. Over the last five years they have had zero bike thefts and their inbuilt CCTV camera provides extra security. We love Locky Docks because they are free to use, helping to provide additional security for people who can’t afford a decent lock. However, there are some bikes they aren’t suitable for.
Watch this video to learn how to use one, and check out this map to find one near you!
More blogs with tips for bike security here:
Why bike and E-scooter theft matters
In Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) 500 – 1000 bikes are reported stolen each year. It is estimated that the actual number is between 2500 – 5000. This is because anywhere from 54% to 83% of bike thefts aren’t reported to police, and sometimes bike theft is listed more generally as ‘theft’ or ‘burglary’ in the police database. And we haven’t even included e-scooters! The most likely area to have a bike or scooter stolen from in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland is the central city.
Aside from being inconvenient and frustrating, many don’t replace their stolen bike and studies show that 7.3% stop cycling altogether. For those who do replace their bike, 15.5% report being less likely to cycle due to concerns that their bike will be stolen again. Some people are deterred from taking up travel by bike or scooter in the first place due to concerns about theft.
Unfortunately, like many issues, this weighs more heavily on people who are on low incomes, as they are less likely to be able to afford a good quality lock, less likely to be able to afford insurance, and less able to afford to replace their bike or scooter.
We want to reduce these barriers as much as we can, for a joyful connected community, for papatūānuku, for an affordable A to B, and for the future. More people on bikes and scooters, more often, will create the joyful, equitable, and sustainable region we all dream of.