For many years, we’ve been repeating the “it needs to be a connected network” and “only as strong as the weakest part” lines in pretty much all our submissions. It’s […]
Copenhagen has just completed its Bicycle Snake Bridge (Cykelslangen). It is an amazing piece of engineering and design which really adds to the beauty of what is already a very picturesque […]
A big cycle campaign is underway now. It’s led by Cycle Action – Generation Zero – Spokes Dunedin- Cycle Aware Wellington and heaps of other groups who are working for safe […]
A message from the team at Leicon regarding changes on St Lukes Road The St Lukes upgrade team have recently realigned the right turn lane from St Lukes Road to […]
Our city has a number of hot spots where motorists pull into cycle lanes to push ahead of vehicles in adjacent traffic lanes. It tends to be more common where […]
The Northcote/Birkenhead areas are primarily residential suburbs dominated by arterial roads catering for motorists travelling between home and motorway. There is minimal cycling infrastructure, and cycling numbers are low. But good […]