Following on from earlier posts on slow zones in New York and London and free right hand (in NZ left hand) turns in Paris, more inpirational stuff from Paris to […]
On Thursday I dropped by the Art Gallery Cafe for early coffee /breakfast with staff from Auckland Council and Auckland Transport who are part of a casual group which meets […]
NZTA have kindly provided us with some great photos showing the progress of the works on the Grafton Gully Cycleway, and the Upper Queen Street Bridge. Enjoy! Loads of […]
Following up on last weekend’s blog post, here is Auckland Transport’s Open Days invite for the Waterview Shared Path. The AT brochure gives the times for the Open Days on […]
A report has been released by Sports Harbour as a result of a 10 month study of driving habits of teenagers. The study was intended to investigate whether teenagers who […]
It’s been underground longer than the tunnel boring machine, but the Waterview shared path project is finally ready to go public again, with information days coming up: Wednesday 23 July, […]