A guest post from Tom Beeston. This is an image rich post so the photos are quite small. Please click on a photo to enlarge it. I’ll start by pointing […]
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about the poor condition of cycle lane markings on the cycle lane connecting Devonport and Takapuna, and linked this to the frequent […]
When Janette Sadik-Khan gave her inspirational presentation at the Aotea Centre 3 weeks ago, I spoke for Cycle Action during question time. I referred to JSK’s visit as prompting our […]
Some of the amazing cycling statistics that come out of the Netherlands (e.g. Groningen, a town of almost 200,000 people in the north of the Netherlands, where nearly 60% of all […]
Living in such a car centric city, it can be hard to see how it could operate any other way. Even in a more public transport friendly country like the […]
The NZ Herald has run yet another scary article on the growing obesity epidemic in New Zealand. According to the article, we are now the fourth most obese country in […]