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Dominion Rd revamp – it seems everyone deserves transport choice, except cyclists

Update – in case you missed it, Transport Blog dealt with other aspects of this debacle, which has attracted outrage about the cycling aspects as well. Check it out. Today’s […]

Te Atatu diversion for the NW Cycleway ready to go – OK Team?

Thanks heaps for all the feedback we got from commuting cyclists using the NW Cycleway at Te Atatu. Your practical advice and request for more protection on the diversion route […]

Cycling and our new trains – photo essay

I was away in the weekend cycling the Kaiwhakauka Trail, (linking to the Bridge to Nowhere and the Whanganui River), so I missed riding the new electric train. (The Trail […]

How the wheel turns – 6 years on, on Beach Road

Auckland Transport (slightly over a week ago) restated that the Beach Road separated cycleway is still on track to be completed September this year between Churchill Street and Quay Street […]

Upping the game – Carlton Gore Road

TL:DR: Carlton-Gore Road getting buffered cycle lanes all the way, instead of a half-sided, half-hearted design. But AT needs your support! Carlton Gore Road is a very Auckland-typical road. Meaning […]

Cycling Safety Summit – Hastings and New Plymouth lead the way

I returned from Tuesday’s NZTA’s Cycle Safety Summit in Wellington buoyed up by spending the day with extremely motivated and informed people from across the transport sector  – AA, Road […]

Top 10 on the cycling wish list

Recently Chris Boardman (British Cycling policy advisor and Olympic gold medallist in cycling) has come out swinging by saying that the conversation on cycling is heading in the wrong direction […]

Bike Te Atatu – a peep into our cycling future

This is a guest blog from CAA Associate, Bryce P. If you would like to submit a guest blog, please feel free to email Ben L at We love […]

NW Cycleway @ Te Atatu – temporary diversion

Fulton Hogan’s Project Manager has flagged to us that the cycleway route needs to be diverted temporarily as part of the cycleway and other upgrades happening along the NW Motorway […]

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