2 min read
Earlier this month, we reported that Council’s Transport Committee would decide on Council support for the Auckland Harbour Bridge Pathway.
This now won’t be the case, as Auckland Transport haven’t completed their Pathway report that was due to be presented to the Transport Committee tomorrow. We’re concerned that Council’s funding through the LTP could be in question.
The very last chance to get the Pathway in the Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP) will be at the Council Strategy and Finance Committee meeting on May 23. It’s critical for Council to support the Pathway as a self-funding transformational project which can be achieved at very small cost to ratepayers.
There is huge support for the Pathway – over 60% of submissions to the Council Draft LTP on the subject of walking and cycling specifically mentioned the Pathway (that’s more than 300 of you who submitted in support). We believe Council should take public desire seriously by allocating funds to make sure the Pathway is investigated and progress is made towards making it a reality.
Here are some key points:
- It’s our goal to provide the Pathway at no cost to ratepayers (in fact we believe the project will be a revenue earner for Council)
- The $1.3 million seed funding requested for the LTP can be capitalised and reimbursed.
- The Pathway project is now at detailed design stage.
The Pathway is now on strong foundations as a revenue-producing proposal that can be achieved quickly at minimal cost to ratepayers. Recent agreement on the structural feasibility from NZTA has been major step forward, and private investment has been identified. But we need Council onboard as an active partner, looking at the best options in terms of development funding and a potential partial underwrite and its own investigation of the PPP’s feasibility.
We’re working hard to get the Pathway included in the LTP. You can help by emailing the mayor’s office explaining why you want the Pathway: len.brown@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
You can also email Penny Webster (Chairperson) and Des Morrison (Deputy Chairperson) of the finance committee.
With your support, this project has come too far for Council to ignore.