Cycling Works is a simple campaign with a simple message: Protected bike lanes are good for business and good for Tāmaki Makaurau. Add your organisation’s voice to the call for safer cycling infrastructure in Auckland.
Building bikeways on our streets is good for the region and good for business. Here’s why:
Increase retail sales
Thirty-two research papers show that making streets safer for customers on bikes and on foot increases sales at local retailers.
Transport choices
Cycling offers a healthy, low-carbon, and inexpensive transport option. We want our staff and customers to have transport choices.
Make it safe to cycle
Protected bikeways are the key. Forty-four percent of Aucklanders identify safety as a barrier to cycling more regularly.
Value for money
Cycling is amazing value for money. It’s estimated that every kilometre cycled generates roughly three times as much net social benefit as driving the same distance costs society. Investing in cycling is estimated to yield $10 to $25 of benefit for each dollar invested.
Free up space
More people on bikes reduces congestion and competition for parking.
Cycling feels good!
Cycling produces a “feel-good” factor that contributes to staff wellbeing and productivity.
Make our streets happier
Less traffic means less noise, less local air pollution and fewer accidents.
The best cities have it!
Better cycling infrastructure is increasingly a hallmark of successful cities.
Find out more about the intersection of cycling and business.
Organisations that support Cycling Works:
ConstableHurst Architects Ltd
Sustainable Business Network
Check out their website here.
Any questions? Form not working for you? Ping us at
Cycling Works for Tāmaki Makaurau is supported in part by the Auckland Climate Grant from Auckland Council