One of the things we sometimes hear is ‘I think bike lanes are a good idea, but I’d feel better about them if I saw more people using them.’ We’ve […]
One small step for local connections, one giant leap for an increasingly bikeable city. A new boardwalk and shared path has officially opened in Pt Chevalier, linking Eric Armishaw Reserve […]
Time is running out to comment on plans for one of Auckland’s cycling hot-spots, the Tamaki Drive/Ngapipi Rd intersection. Feedback closes Friday September 23rd. We encourage you to add your own support […]
Auckland Transport is currently consulting on the proposed traffic signals at Ngapipi Road / Tamaki Drive. This is one of the worst historical black spots for people on bikes in Auckland. […]
Some of you may have been wondering how the (ongoing) Waterview Shared Path construction is going. And we know that some of you have really started to worry about the […]
A few months ago, we made a video showing how bad things were for people on bikes at the Ngapipi Road slip lane onto Tamaki Drive. We also described interim safety measures Auckland […]