The last pieces of the Canada St bridge were slotted into place last night: a complete connection to the old Nelson St offramp, not much over a year since it was first […]
Another person on a bike has been injured at Auckland’s worst cycling blackspot, Tamaki Drive / Ngapipi Road. Details are sketchy so far, but it seems that despite the crash involving […]
The saga of Mangere Bridge reads like a litany of woes. The troubles began with the very first timber version, which opened in 1875 and was soon attacked by shipworms. It was also so narrow […]
Here’s a sign of great things to come – the official blessing of the first section of the planned Te Whau Pathway. It’s a small section, but every path starts somewhere! […]
Hi folks. If you ride the NW cycleway, you will have already encountered the detour to the east of the St Lukes intersection. This will be in place until the […]
Great news in one of the more formalistic – but crucial – aspects of Auckland cycleway infrastructure: Auckland Transport have reviewed, and changed, their attititude to no stopping markings in […]