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Urban Regeneration tools: Duct Tape

This article describes how an intersection can be transformed using nothing more than duct tape. So where did this happen? Some crazy hippy commune like Portland or Vancouver? Nope: It […]

Power to the People – Bike Te Atatu

Congratulations to our friends at Bike Te Atatu for their futuristic cycling and walking video for their suburb. Bike Te Atatu is a community group on the Te Atatu peninsula […]

What does a 35% modal share look like?

We see lots of videos on the internet showing roads full of cyclists. However, one thing is that they all show the cyclists on the right (or incorrect) side of […]

A commute to Kumeu

A guest post from Tom Beeston. This is an image rich post so the photos are quite small. Please click on a photo to enlarge it. I’ll start by pointing […]

Dutch cycling continues to grow

Some of the amazing cycling statistics that come out of the Netherlands (e.g. Groningen, a town of almost 200,000 people in the north of the Netherlands, where nearly 60% of all […]

The future is a car free city?

Living in such a car centric city, it can be hard to see how it could operate any other way. Even in a more public transport friendly country like the […]

Cycling in Norway: Scandinavia but not as we know it

An article on really caught my attention. It is about a new series of ads in Norway on safely sharing the road. This is one of the videos: […]

The Queen of Uptown goes on a Road Diet

A while ago, we introduced you to the new moves of the Queen of Uptown (also known by her slightly more prosaic name,  Upper Queen Street Bridge). Now, as part […]

Mapping How Far You Can Bike Without Breaking a Sweat

There is an interesting article on StreetsBlog about mapping areas based on how far you can get using 50,000 Joules of energy. This is usually enough to allow the average […]

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