Some small wins on Tamaki Drive

1 min read

Hello all – we’re a bit quiter on the blog right now, preparing for the Christmas Do, and trying to juggle all the large and small projects that we have up in the air. But we thought we’d tell you about two nice improvements for Tamaki Drive:

  • Some months ago, 3 street lights were placed smack dab into the cycle section of the shared path in the Okahu Bay section, west of Kelly Tarlton. We pointed out that this was a rather… strange choice, especially seeing that you only need to go a wee bit further along Tamaki Drive to see street lights placed at the back of the path, where they don’t constrict the footpath for cyclists, pedestrians and people with prams. Do their credit, Auckland Transport acted soon, and removed the offending poles again.
  • And for those who prefer on-road – after continued advocacy from CAA and individuals, Auckland Transport is now proposing to further extend the trailer parking restrictions in the area between Ngapipi Road and Okahu Bay by another ~150m (consultation is currently underway). Together with good enforcement, those dodge situations where trailers stick out far into the traffic lane should now be reduced even further.

If you don’t ride on Tamaki Drive, take it as a sign that raising issues works. If you are persistent enough. Talk to AT and Council about what bugs you.

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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