If ever you needed evidence of ‘build it and they will come, we had it a few days ago.
The new Bayswater walking and cycling bridge has been completed well before time, and is now informally open for use. And the locals are not wasting time getting onto it. We counted 30 people on the bridge and the approach paths yesterday in a short time – 4 big groups walking with baby strollers, 8 people on bikes, 3 on scooters and 6 dogs taking their people for a walk. We would love to have one of Auckland Transport’s auto-counters on the bridge, as we’re sure it would break lots of records.
After years of squeezing our way over the mean 900mm wide pipe bridge, our only worry is that the 2.5m facility will be so heavily used it still could feel a bit narrow!
It’s a superb, beautifully detailed, quietly classy facility. A lovely mix of timber, steel and various concrete surfaces, including grunty timber and polished concrete seats at the widened passing bay. Congrats to the contractors, Brian Perry Civil, who have completed the job with such skill – leaving the site in a clean, tidy state which gives no indication of the huge scale construction works that has occurred.
When we passed the bridge earlier in the week, a few staff were doing last minute cleanups. They beamed with delight when we thanked them for their work. They all said it was the best project they have ever worked on, as the public was so interested and appreciative. I’ve heard some locals even dropped by with muffins!
We’re not providing a photo of the new bridge, as we want to keep the suspense for the big opening day. A great celebration is planned, so mark it in your diaries now!
OPENING EVENT – 10.30am Saturday, October 5th
WHERE – By O’Neills Pt Cemetary, Bayswater Ave, Bayswater