Increased investment in cycling must be prioritised before road pricing

CAA_Clipboard01Media Release re: Funding Auckland’s Transport Future

CAA supports the principal findings of the Consensus Building Group that unless Aucklanders are prepared to accept significantly higher rates increases and heavier congestion, introducing some form of roading pricing by 2021 will be required. However before the imposition of road pricing there should be affordable and reliable transport alternatives in place.

The Consensus Building Group agreed this should include improved public transport and active travel options.

Cycling, like in many other cities around the world, can be part of the overall transport solution for Auckland. A connected network of safe and attractive cycleways can provide affordable and convenient alternatives to getting around the city. Today in Auckland thousands of trips each day are already being made by bicycle, helping to alleviate traffic congestion” says Paul Shortland, Deputy Chair, Cycle Action Auckland and a member of the Consensus Building Group.

Research tells us that many more Aucklanders would undertake short trips by bicycle. However the biggest barrier to cycling uptake by less confident cyclists is safety concerns. These barriers could be overcome by providing a better network of connected cycleways, through an increased and sustained investment in cycling infrastructure across the city.”

Cycling can boost public transport efficiency and uptake.” adds Cycle Action Auckland’s chair, Barbara Cuthbert. “This is because cycling can be connected relatively cheaply to public transport, extending the reach and flexibility of all public transport and giving more transport choice across the whole Auckland region.“

In Cycle Action’s view a significant increase from the 0.8% of the total transport budget currently allocated to walking and cycling by Auckland Transport is required to meet the Auckland Plan target of completing 70% of the Auckland Cycle Network by 2021. We owe it to existing Aucklanders and future generations to fund and deliver a transport system they want and deserve. Cycling, if properly funded and allowed to flourish, can have a big part to play in achieving a vibrant and connected city”. says Mr Shortland

Paul Shortland,

Deputy Chair,

Cycle Action Auckland

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