Auckland Transport is planning some improvements for cyclists and pedestrians at two key intersections in New Windsor. Both are on Mulgan St, which forms an alternative cycle route to the recently upgraded […]
We’ve had an update from Auckland Transport about walking and cycling improvements in progress on Upper Harbour Drive. There’ll be traffic management in place throughout the works, which are scheduled to be […]
Cycle commuters: you know you’ve really arrived when there isn’t anywhere to park your bike. And nowhere more so than at the Downtown Ferry Terminal! Which is why Auckland Transport has […]
Have you seen Auckland Transport’s proposal for cycling for the next three years, to be presented to the Board this coming Tuesday? These are the projects we heard about at Kathryn King’s […]
The room was buzzing as we settled in last Thursday to hear from AT’s new manager of Walking and Cycling, Kathryn King. She’s a local gal, given a good polish by her […]
Mark your calendars for next Thursday evening, 6pm, and come along and meet the fantastic Kathryn King, who is Auckland Transport’s new Manager for Walking and Cycling. Kathryn comes (back) to us […]