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Getting better, the further you go… Carlton Gore Road

One of the more hopeful trends in Auckland’s “three step forwards, two steps back” cycling world is that things do get better. You can often tell the quality of a […]

Post-Sprawl cycling

One of the reasons I love advocating for cycling is that all the real world data and evidence so strongly supports what a great way cycling is to get around […]

We celebrate Rudy – star of New Lynn’s Portage Rd cycle lane

Our 2014 prize for perseverance goes to Rudy from West Auckland. The award is made because of his superb campaign to defend the new Portage Rd cycle lane from cars, […]

Work starting on SH20A @ Kirkbride Rd

The next big roading project to affect cyclists is about to leave the starting blocks. We welcome the first report from Kelli Sullivan, the NZTA’s Senior Engagement and Stakeholder Liaison […]

UPDATED – Obesity and cycling: The NZ disconnect

UPDATED UPDATE: And Chris Boardman in the UK has also named cycling as a great way to combat obesity. UPDATE: I thought this post deserved a bump when I saw […]

Halving our progress

At the end of the previous financial year (2012/2013), we ran a blog showing how slow bikeway construction in Auckland was going – only ~10 km built in one year, […]

Want More Transport Investment? Be Prepared to Pay for It

Aucklanders  are being asked to get their minds around a couple of important decisions following the release of the Funding Auckland’s Transport Future report, by the Independent Advisory Board (IAB). […]

Auckland’s Biggest Freight Project – Why should Cyclists Care?

Deadline is this FRIDAY: Please submit on East-West Link, and prevent another of our harbour edges from becoming a motorway. Please consider making the following points: Choose Option A, the […]

Franklin Road proposal: AT must do better

Auckland Transport has now released its plan for Franklin Road (or download the PDF brochure here) which runs from Victoria Park up to Ponsonby Road. It is a steep road […]

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