Cycle commuters: you know you’ve really arrived when there isn’t anywhere to park your bike. And nowhere more so than at the Downtown Ferry Terminal! Which is why Auckland Transport has […]
Riding a bike isn’t just: a fun way to travel healthy giving independence and freedom back to children good for the environment a great way to connect with public transport […]
Have you ever heard people talk about a cycle friendly employer and wonder what that would really mean? Would you like to be a cycle friendly employer but you don’t […]
A new article from Copenhagenize explains an initiative from the EU called BiTiBi (Bike-Train-Bike). For me, the key quote from this article is: It is not realistic to expect […]
Our blog and AT’s survey published last month about bike parking at train stations focused on a possible design for Panmure Train and Bus Station. AT received 75 survey responses […]
Recently, our new representative for the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board area, Chris Werry, attended the Local Board meeting in June. He proposed that CAA put together a list of micro projects […]