TL;DR (article summary); Auckland Transport has so far failed to implement three safe, widely supported, climate-friendly street improvements in the inner west. The Waitematā and Albert-Eden Local Boards have each […]
On Tuesday 21 February Waitematā Local Board are being asked to vote to endorse 2 of the 3 Inner West street improvement projects and to pause the third. The Waitematā Safer Routes also known as..
We love the many ways that cycling brings people together. In this case cycling the length of Aotearoa brings together lots of committed cyclists along with fund raising for many […]
In December Teva, our new Community Activation Manager, went on an adventure around the 5 Summits with Franklin Trails; a bike burb which bridges Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland, and the Waikato […]
We love our new Community Activation Manager, Teva Chonon’s, enthusiasm for all things biking and the interesting and colourful way he sees the world. We can’t wait for him to […]
A recently released breakdown of project costs for one of the strongly supported Inner West Improvement projects highlights that cycling funding is being leveraged to deliver a balanced programme of benefits for the whole community and all Aucklanders.