Waterview update

1 min read

Cycle Action has been very busy in recent weeks on this project, as it is now being heard by the Board of Inquiry – we have participated, amongst other discussions, in both “expert witness” and “public” caucus groups that debated the appropriate ways of resolving issues about the project’s  transport & open space (parks, sports fields) effects.

The recommendations from these groups then proceeded to the board to inform their future decision on what the project will have to provide in mitigation terms.

This experience – working at eye level with the planners  and engineers responsible for one of the country’s largest infrastructure project, and being welcomed as a respected voice – has been very heartening, if also very intensive & time consuming. Also very rewarding was the level of support that the cycleway has by now achieved from literally all groups participating in the process, including local community groups around the project area, as well as Council and NZTA themselves.

However, the cycleway is still not confirmed. As you may have taken from the news, funding is still under hot debate – everyone agrees it would be great to have the cycleway, but money is tighter than ever, and neither side is stepping forward with funding promises. We continue being involved so this one doesn’t fall through the cracks, or get deferred for years until funding is found from elsewhere.

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