Many of our friends and members on the Shore may not even know that there is a cycle route between Unsworth Reserve (Unsworth Heights) and Rosedale Park further north towards Albany. It’s not highly visible, as it snakes it’s way through local parks and some stretches of quieter back roads.
Over the last couple years, Council/Auckland Transport have undertaken a variety of works on this route to get it to higher standards, and to make it a part of the Regional Cycle Network, useful for both recreational and transport purposes.
One of the major changes was last year’s upgrade of a walking path through Unsworth Reserve, widening it to cycleway standards from the southern end at Goldfinch Rise to… well, not QUITE to Barbados Drive, making it hard to continue on northwards.
Because of changes to the plans for the area, the beautiful walk and cycleway boardwalk constructed through this lush reserve currently stops at a barrier (see photo at top), and one has to walk one’s bike along a narrow, overgrown path to Barbados Drive.
Some days ago, one of our members remarked on this unfinished state of things, and noted that he had queried it with Auckland Transport. With great pleasure we were able to tell him that by circumstance, we had done the same thing just a day earlier, and had received a positive answer:
The final section of the cycle path had been held up by consent processes for works in the wetlands area the path will travel through. Said consent was received last week – and works will now start to upgrade the flooding (stormwater) detention in the area. Once that is completed, the walk- and cycleway boardwalk will be extended, and is intended to be complete 1st quarter 2013.