NZTA welcomes early bird cyclists to Stage 1 of Grafton Gully Cycleway

1 min read

Kia Ora – Jala here again – from the NZ Transport Agency.

I just wanted to give you all a quick update on the Grafton Gully Cycleway. Great news – the team are ready to open the 300-metre long section between Grafton Road and Alten Road on Tuesday 16 July, a few weeks ahead of schedule.

To celebrate this milestone I’m organising an event to attract all you enthusiasts to come down to Grafton Road, behind Auckland Uni’s business school, help get a few tracks onto the extension to mark its entry into the city’s cycling network. And as a bonus you can say you were one of the very first to cycle down the new link!

I’ve organised a mechanic to give your bikes a health check, along with some bike accessories to keep you safe on your journey. In addition to this there will be coffee to keep you warm at 7.30am!

Details are below and I’ll keep you posted on any changes. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at Hope to see you there!

Date: Tuesday 16 July

Time: 7.30am

Location: Starting point – 20 Grafton Road, Grafton.

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