Spreading the joy of cycling around.

Dec 11, 2013
Spreading the joy of cycling around.


2 min read

Jane's cycling group (1)Guest blog by Jane Admore,

Jane is our highly effective Membership Secretary and an adventurous cycle tourist. We admire Jane’s ‘gently, gently’ approach to expand our city’s cycling numbers. 

Finally – the best cycling weather – get a gang together!

If you’ve got that pedaling feeling but aren’t into the joys of solo cycling, why not share the delight with a few friends?

I had several friends who said they envied me as a ‘cyclist for pleasure’ but never quite got around to it. Three years ago I set up a tentative email list of them, set a date & time and place to start in a local park. Meeting place is now my house (my privilege) and once a month on a weekend morning  I emerge to see who has been tempted by the reminder I sent out on a Thursday night (no RSVP). We set off with between 3 and 9 (some third of the 30 on the list haven’t been yet but want to stay informed for when they feel the time is right!). I’m sure Facebook would be a good tool for equivalent results.

Length of ride varies from B8 to 45 Km with some people avoiding longer (or shorter!) rides. We usually have a purpose; Pa Homestead and the Wallace collection is a winter regular, the smaller markets are fun  and we are slowly ‘knocking off’ the Auckland Maunga (Volcanic cones) which are surprisingly do-able for our not-so- young participant profile. December and January I indulge a passion for a swim & ride. We’ve a had a couple of over-nighters (inspired by our own travels in France where we cycle tour & camp).

I’ve gathered a few great puncture repairers & have a good pump available before we set off. I link together off-road routes wherever possible. Its been a great way to keep in touch with a wider group friends (and friends of friends) without (always) meeting over food.

My group, loosely named ‘Mixte’ after a female-friendly type bicycle frame, is mainly addressed to women but we have several blokes who are regulars & we don’t turn anyone away. I do like to keep It local so there’s no loading bike on cars.

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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