Special offer to Cycle Action blog readers – ride the Timber Trail

2 min read

Image 01We reported on our time with Art Doc and Pa Harakeke when we rode the inspired Timber Trail -National Cycle trail in autumn. We can’t praise the experience too highly – superb warm hospitality, massive panoramic views, amazing native forests, great new track and memorable heritage logging tracks – all making for glorious cycling. We’re therefore happy to host this message from our colleagues who looked after us so well.

Guest Blog from Art Doc and Pa Harakeke at Pureora

Nestled behind taller sisters Ruapehu and Tongariro, Mount Pureora has some of its finest days in winter with crisp mornings turning into glorious sunny afternoons. While the lovers of ski gather on the Turoa and Whakapapa ski fields this is a great time of year to ride the Timber Trail before crowds start coming out. The track surface fares well in winter with generally fewer rainy days, meaning there are no muddy slips on the track.

The track starts with an easy grade path winding through the Pikiariki Ecological bush before ascending Mount Pureora. The six to eight km climb is intermediate grade at parts leading to 940 m above sea level before heading down toward the midpoint at Piropiro travelling across two large suspension bridges. The next day starting at Piropiro, the first suspension bridge is Maramataha, the longest of the 35 bridges (141m) followed by the steepest climb on the trail (intermediate level).The remainder of the track trails parts of the historic Ellis and Burnand tramline. There are some magnificient panorama views and adrenaline pumping ridges and everyone agrees the Trimber Trail is set to become a favourite Nga Haerenga track.

Contact the DOC field office for reports about track conditions.

Image 03ArtDoc Gallery and Pa Harakeke have put a package together for Cycle Action Auckland that is valid till Labour Day weekend. From early August the days have been long enough to cycle the Timber Trail in two days and alternatively there are parts of the track that can be done in a day. Stay at a self-contained chalet in Pureora or the ArtDoc Sleepout in Benneydale where an evening meal is included. The package is valid for min. 2 people and includes overnight and transfers to the Timber Trail. Bicycle hire and other meals are optional.

Image 02Contact Monica at Art Doc for details of the special weekend offer.

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