Some cycling-related presentations

1 min read

The Auckland Council Transport Committee recently heard some presentations that might be of interest to cyclists:

  • A proposal by “Heart of the City” – a City Centre business / area improvement group – is advocating for a relocation of the future west-east linear park (and walking/cycle route!) from Victoria Street to Wellesley Street. Amongst the arguments are the better onward connectivity for cyclists.
  • A presentation from the project team about the AMETI busway, which shows (particularly at Page 9 and 16-18) a variety of the cycle facilities planned for the area.

Some interesting ideas and concepts here. Shame the City Centre plan did not receive all that much funding for the coming years (some, but not nearly enough to press on with all the ambitions). And while AMETI’s initial stages are on track, the more easterly parts of it are still very far out – 10+ years – with our current PT infrastructure funding levels from Wellington…

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