Bike parking at train stations and ferry terminals – We’re aware from our own experience, survey results and your blog feedback that better bike parking is urgently needed at transport nodes across Auckland. We’re working on this with AT and will begin next month with a series of surveys to ask about your preferences.
In the meantime, has anyone used the new bike cages at Papatoetoe and Papakura Train stations and Birkenhead Ferry yet? They all opened for use last week. Do you like the added features (including bike pump ) ?
Go on line to order a swipe card from AT to get access to any of the cages.
New train services – Some cyclists use trains for part of their journey- to avoid mean weather or a dark late trip home or to get beyond the city fringe to weekend cycle touring routes. More train services are therefore good news for cyclists. AT has announced new services start on Tuesday 29 October – see below for more details:
Extra train services:
- The Western Line will get half hourly services on Saturday and Sunday between Britomart and Swanson westbound from 8am to 6pm and eastbound from 9.20am to 7.20pm. Currently there is an hourly service on the weekend (and only as far as Henderson on a Sunday). These changes will also extend Sunday services to Sturges Rd, Ranui and Swanson stations.
- Earlier services from Papakura on the weekends (currently first service is 7.10am, new services at 6.15am and 6.45am on both Saturday and Sunday). These earlier services affect Papakura, Takanini, Te Mahia, Manurewa, Homai, Puhinui, Papatoetoe and Middlemore.
- Onehunga services are re-timed with some services leaving earlier than currently. This follows improvements to service delivery over the past nine months and will help to further improve punctuality across the network
- An extra night service to Onehunga on Saturday and Sunday nights:
- Sunday departing Britomart 10.11pm, arriving Onehunga 10.51pm. Currently the last service arrives at 9.06pm.
- Saturday departing Britomart 11.41pm, arriving Onehunga 12.06am. Currently the last service arrives at 11.06pm.
- An extra service to and from Onehunga mid-morning Monday to Friday.
- An extra service from Manukau departing at 9.08am Monday to Friday.
Remember – track upgrading work means that buses will occasionally replace trains on some weekends and evenings. Check on-line before you set out with your bike.