4 min read
The Auckland Transport proposal

We have received an email from AT setting out the result of submissions the proposed changes to Lincoln Road.

It appears that cyclists were very active in submissions:

60 submissions favoured separated cycle-ways.

Decision: A separated facility for cyclists will be investigated as part of the detailed design

We don’t want to cycle next to these please AT

Now of course we would like to see a bit more committment from AT than just investigate. However, 60 submissions was the most received in favour of anything related to the project and more than a third of the total submissions received, so you would hope AT will deliver what the people.

After all, I am pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that this is what taxpayer funded bodies are meant to do…

The full text of the email is below:

Between December last year and February this year, Auckland Transport consulted with property owners, residents and other interested parties about preliminary proposals to upgrade Lincoln Road.

This is what arterial road cycling infrastructure looks like at a minimum (Ostrava, the Czech Republic – to my surprise!)

The consultation was conducted by post, online and at public meetings. You were one of the submitters and we thank you for taking the time to respond.  The responses we received were then evaluated and used to assist in making a range of decisions about different aspects of the proposed upgrade. This letter contains a summary of the responses to that consultation process and some of the decisions that arose from the submissions

All submissions are valuable for detailed analysis but this summary covers only the major issues highlighted by the submissions.  These give a broad general appreciation of how the affected public feel about the proposals.

There were 162 people who responded online or by post, some of whom made submissions on only one aspect of the proposals but some addressed more than one aspect.  Accordingly there are significantly more submissions than submitters.

Furthermore, some replies from individual submitters favoured some elements in the proposals but disliked others. Meanwhile, there was a significant number of replies to some issues and only a few submissions on others.

The results of the online and postal submissions summarised

Of the 162 people who made submissions, only 12 did not support any aspect of the proposals. Of the 162, 79 made a postal submission and none opposed the project overall.

The major issues identified by submitters, were:

  • AT’s proposal is to widen Lincoln Road to create include a bus/T3 lane in both directions. This would convert to a bus-only lane when demand is great enough

23 submissions supported having bus lanes

25 submissions suggested that if Lincoln Road is to be widened a bus lane should be installed immediately and not also be a T3.

Decision: It may not be possible to make bus-only lanes immediately. This is being explored.

17 submissions supported T3 lanes.

27 submissions supported T2 instead of T3 lanes

19 submissions suggested converting an existing road lane to T3

Decision: Many more vehicles would use the transit lane if it is a T2 and this would interfere with the efficiency of the bus service.

Converting an existing lane to T3 was explored and will cause greater congestion and delays because it will restrict the majority of vehicles to one lane

  • AT’s proposal is to have off-road shared paths on either side of Lincoln Road, for pedestrians and cyclists.

16 submissions appreciated improved cycling provisions and a further four supported improved pedestrian provisions.

60 submissions favoured separated cycle-ways.

Decision: A separated facility for cyclists will be investigated as part of the detailed design

  • AT’s proposal is to have a raised solid median which would enable centreline planting and restrict right turn opportunities, including right turns to and from driveways.

29 submissions supported a solid median and only six submissions opposed a solid median.

Decision: With clear support for the solid median, AT will include this in the final design

  •  AT’s proposal included connecting Preston Avenue to Lincoln Road.

31 submissions opposed this aspect of the proposal.


Because of the clear majority opposed, AT will not make a vehicle connection between Preston Avenue to Lincoln Road.

  •  AT proposals covered a variety of other measures, such as pedestrian crossings, slip lanes, right turns, signals, etc.

39 submissions were received in total in relation to these issues, but no more than five submissions on any one individually.

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