Getting your bike from Shore to City – a test of bikes in buses

4 min read

In October 2024 Auckland Transport asked Bike Auckland’s input on their planned trial to test carrying bikes inside buses.

It’s great to see this happening. Over several years Bike Auckland have advocated to Auckland Transport for the ability to take bikes on buses. In a few cities across Aotearoa they have bike racks on the front or back of buses for carrying up to four bikes. In our inclusive cycling campaign we explain that bike racks inside buses are more inclusive for a range of people, especially with e-bikes being heavier. Recently there has been a tightening of restrictions on bike racks on buses leading to confusion about whether or not they are allowed or will continue in the cities where they already exist. Having bikes on board the bus is a potential alternative to avoid those restrictions.

We provided insight and suggestions on the 2024 trial, and we invited our volunteers to participate in it. (You can become a Bike Auckland volunteer by registering your interest.)

Phase 1 of testing bikes in buses took place on NX1 buses in November. The NX1 is an express route that runs from the Hibiscus Coast Station in Silverdale to Britomart, crossing the Harbour Bridge. Currently there is no way to cycle across the Harbour Bridge, nor are there plans for one in future. While Bike Auckland advocates to liberate a Harbour Bridge lane for walking and cycling, bikes on the NX1 will be a valuable stopgap.

Of course, there are plenty of reasons why you might want to take your bike on buses, apart from being able to cross the Harbour Bridge. Imagine being able to cycle the first and last kilometres of your commute, for example. Or knowing you could get home even if you get tired while cycling. The possibilities are endless.

The Phase 1 trial used volunteers who Auckland Transport recruited and briefed ahead of time. Signage explained to other bus users what was going on (and that they couldn’t put their own bike in the racks just yet). Auckland Transport tested the viability of two different bike racks.

The trial proved that interior bike racks on buses are absolutely a viable option. Commuters carried a range of bikes onto buses and secured them in the interior racks, even at peak times.

three bikes in a rack on a bus
Three bikes secured in the bike rack on the NX1.

The best design for bikes in buses

Out of the two bike racks trialled, one performed better. It has a lower impact on bus capacity and comes with flipdown seats and handholds to create standing room. Bikes feel more secure in this rack, and the design is sleeker and easier to use. In future the design could improve further by including better seat-belt style restraints for the bikes, and other minor modifications.

The other bike rack took up more space and provided less stability for the bikes.

Bus drivers and bike user participants gave useful feedback. Other bus customers had mixed reactions – support and excitement from the majority of respondents but some opposition from a few. They object to the space taken up by bikes and the time to manoeuvre bikes into the bus.

Next steps: phase 2 of testing bikes in buses

Auckland Transport will proceed with a second phase of the trial, using the rack which tested well. The difference in phase 2 is that anyone with a bike can try the racks and give feedback.

Using the insights from phase 1, Auckland Transport will make minor improvements to the rack design. Following this, they will install the rack on a further 14 double-decker buses on the NX1 route. This is a significant proportion of the buses on that route, but not all of them, so Auckland Transport are exploring ways to allow bike users to see which buses can take their bike before they leave home.

Auckland Transport haven’t fixed a timeline for phase 2 yet, but have said it will happen this year. We’ll share details as soon as we know more.

We’re looking forward to Tāmaki Makaurau becoming a more connected and accessible region with North Shore and city centre linked up for people on bikes. It’s a significant step in the right direction.

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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