…oh well, almost every question, including some of the weirder ones that cropped up from unexpected directions around last week’s big vote, like “Is it going to fall off?” or “Will it have air conditioning?” or “Will there be icecream?“
As Bevan Woodward, former CAA Chair and SkyPath Project Director says:
Whilst we are pleased with the outcome of last week’s Auckland Council Transport Committee, we did think we should endeavour to do a better job of clearly communicating where the project is at.
Thus, they have provided this document (SkyPath-Project-Updated). The project recapped in clear language and diagrams. Did you know that:
- the project is still workable at less than 500 cycle / walking commuters a day for the project duration (plus similarly conservative numbers for tourists and recreational users) – less than the numbers on the Northwestern Cycleway now
- the project design, costs and patronage figures have been scrutinised by numerous independent experts, consultancies and authorities
- that several well-heeled charities are on board to underwrite part of the risk, but that the project is actually hoped to make Council money?
Have a read, and tell us this isn’t a steal! Yes, there is a small chance of Council having to cover a “default” (i.e. ACTUALLY PAY FOR PART OF THE DARN THING) – but that risk only occurs IF we get a walk / cycleway over the Harbour Bridge, and pretty much nobody turns up to use it (how likely is that?). But the only reason we are going through this all is because no one in government is prepared to straight-out fund the $30 million.
Lets not waste the chance that, despite all the odds, the Pathways Trust has found a way to make this project happen!
[Oh, and the answers to the questions at the beginning are “No. No. And yes, if we can get some chap to put a chilly bin on a cargo bike and ride up to the observation deck with it.”]