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This Machine Fights Climate Change
November 16, 2021
|Recurring Event (See all)
An event every day that begins at 12:00 am, repeating until December 1, 2021

For Bikevember, and with the recent energy of the COP26, Bike Mt Albert invites you to take to social media to celebrate bikes, spread awareness of their many benefits, and how they are such an effective tool against climate change. We challenge you to post photos of your bike with the hashtag #thismachinefightsclimatechange and a description of the activity your bike has assisted with, for example: #ThisMachineFightsClimateChange “and gets me to work” or “and gets me fit” or “and brings home the chicken feed” – bonus points for creativity! Include the hashtag #aklbikelife for a chance to win spot prizes!
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Note: Most of the events on our calendar are community submitted, and are rarely run by Bike Auckland. Keep that in mind!