Cyclists get the support they want

Jan 10, 2011
Cyclists get the support they want

Bike Auckland

1 min read

A New Zealand Herald poll shows that Aucklanders want cyclists on the road. Over 80% of 750 respondents reacted negatively to the proposition that cyclists should be banished from the roads.

Cycle Action Auckland committee member Pippa Coom said she was not surprised only small minority of people thought that cyclists shouldn’t be allowed on the road. To see the full article and poll results,  click here for Sighs of relief as cyclists get the support they want

“I am not surprised because I always thought that was the fringe attitude, the people commenting on the Herald website in response to the fatalities and blaming cyclists,” Ms Cooms said after pulling off busy Ponsonby Rd on her stylish Danish-made Velorbis Victoria Classic bike to discuss the poll.

“I think overall people recognise that we want a city where we can get around on all modes of transport.”

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