Carlton Gore Road – improved and APPROVED

Jan 28, 2015
Carlton Gore Road – improved and APPROVED

Bike Auckland

1 min read
Wide streets are wide. Soon this one will have protected cycle lanes.
Wide streets are wide. Soon this section will have protected cycle lanes.

Last Friday, Auckland Transport finally achieved formal approval for the cycle lanes on Carlton Gore Road. This is a big relief, after the various re-design iterations and some public complaints about the project related to – what else – the removal of car parking.

But that this matter has been resolved, the relevant authorities in AT have signed it off, and construction is intended to be around March.

One nice thing we can now finally tell you is that the design has significantly improved over the last year. It will now include:

  • Installing cycle lanes on both sides of the road (from Park Road to Davis Crescent)
    • The cycle lanes east of George Street will have a half-metre wide painted buffer between them and the traffic lanes
    • The cycle lanes west of George Street will be physically separated – parking protected on the south side (except at the off-street parking driveways), and physical dividers (similar to Triangle Road) on the northern side
  • There will also be a new zebra crossing across Carlton Gore just east of George Street (rather than just a refuge crossing)

This is a nice change from the last design that was widely publicised, which did not have protected cycle lanes anywhere. It will also to our knowledge be the first facility in Auckland that has cycle lanes protected by parking, and the third protected on-road facility in Auckland overall.

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