Regarding the matter of driveway lips being constructed at cyclist-jarring 50mm heights, we have since received the following message from Auckland Transport (emphasis ours):
We have investigated your concern and offer the following feedback. The new vehicle crossing design was adopted by Auckland City Council in its engineering standards in mid-2009. Our understanding is that this design change was adopted to slow the speed of vehicles exiting the carriageway to improve safety for users of footpaths and off-road paths.
This particular issue was also discussed at the regular Cycle Action Auckland and Auckland Transport liaison meeting which was held on the 27th of September 2012. In response to the concerns you have raised, we will be liaising with the relevant Auckland Transport departments to suspend the use of this particular design for Auckland Transport’s work in the former Auckland City Council area. We will provide you with an update on this matter at the next Auckland Transport and Cycle Action Auckland liaison meeting. Note that this will be an interim change for the areas where the design causing concerns was in use. Auckland Transport is working on new region-wide standards to replace the various design details used by the former Councils and the issues you have raised will be considered in the development of the new vehicle crossing designs.
Good news. We are in contact with AT on the region-wide standards, and will work to achieve a design that hopefully serves the needs of all road users.