It now seems hopeful that the recent dips in cycle growth were just a blip caused by weather. Some of that may now act in the opposite direction as July (which was apparently the 2nd driest July we have on record) had a massive 33.3% gain in cycle numbers on the same month last year.
852,323 cycle trips were recorded by the nine auto counters for the year August 2012 to July 2013, an increase of 6.79% on the previous year.
That’s not too bad, but it is noteworthy that AT’s not-yet-approved cycling business plan proposes to aim for a 10% annual increase, so we actually do need to pick up the pace to achieve that. After all, cycling currently still is a small school of fish in a large ocean dominated by cars, so high percentage growth each year is urgently needed to make that difference.
In other news, we are keen to see the Census results for cycling in Auckland, and in a few months, AT should also have a full year of data for additional counters.