AT has asked us to make you aware of their exciting Spring cycling programme.
By clicking here you can download a flyer with links to AT’s website which contains the full list of events and adult cycle training sessions. The spring programme includes the following sections:
- Adult Cycle Training courses
- Cycling’s the Go for Families
- Out and About By bike – Community activities
Highlights include an explore Grafton Gully and Connecting Cycleways ride on 8 November, Jena’s Bub’s on bikes on 19 Oct and Zane Bray from AT is doing guided rides to Sculpture on the Shore from the Bayswater ferry.
Zane has also worked with Nic Williams from Frocks on Bikes to revamp the original Try My Bike into “Summer Fling! Frocks Fashion evening”.
So looks like some great events are happening. Get along and make the most of Spring on your favourite form of transport!