…it will tell you what people (or an organisation) truly believes in.
So what does the forward investment programme of Auckland Transport look like in terms of cycling? Well, lets just say, they could be doing a bit more believing in cycling.
At right, you will see “large projects” CAPEX expenditures. The second image shows the walk/cycle projects.
So many projects won’t even start construction (if all goes well!) until another year has gone by… only 4 out of 18 projects are proposed to actually go into construction in this year.
PS: Before we get too down, we should note in all fairness – the lack of projects in 2012-13 is not due to total lack of action, but simply because projects that were completed (such as Don Buck Road) in that financial year won’t show up in the table anymore… Also, the table doesn’t show cycle facilities in other roading projects, such as the Glenfield Road cycle lanes. For those, you have to look at the projects in the first table, and drill down into what they mean individually.