Closes today – have you spent 3 minutes to say you want a cycleway across Hobson Bay?
…lies a better cycle network for Auckland’s central / east. As many of you will be aware, there are plans for one of Auckland’s key cycle routes to run from Panmure through Glen Innes to St Johns and Meadowbank, then across Hobson Bay and into the City Centre along Tamaki Drive.
Some early parts of this route are already constructed, such as the Orakei Basin Walk/Cycleway in the eastern part of Hobson Bay, and the underpass under Orakei Road. Now, the Orakei Local Board is making plans to formalise the future aspirations for Hobson Bay – the Hobson Bay Action Plan.
The plans include a variety of moves that will, or could be important for cycling. As can be seen on the map on page 39, the key initiatives we have an interest in would be:
- The completion of the cross-bay walk/cycleway – the missing bit between Orakei Point and Tamaki Drive (item 7)
- Providing better walk & cycle links through Purewa Valley, presumably including better links to Meadowbank train station and the new cross-bay cycleway (item 6)
- Improved wayfinding and visually attractive walk & cycleway structures (item 8 and 9)
- We would also be interested whether parts of the proposed or existing walkways around the edge of Hobson Bay could be upgraded for cycling (item 1 and 2)
What is the best way to get these things? Well, the Hobson Bay Action Plan is essentially a vision document (though laudably grounded in actual things to be done, rather than just flowery intentions). If the folks of the Orakei Local Board hear a lot of support for walk & cycleways from you, then they are much more likely to advocate to get them built.
So please use the online feedback form, and support walking and cycling across / around Hobson Bay. Closes Wednesday!