A new ramp at Henderson Creek – with photos

2 min read

Our Westie champ Phil has been keeping an eye on developments along Henderson Creek, and sent us this photo essay of recent improvements (plus a few Could Do Betters)…

The new ramp at Henderson Creek is now open, which means access to and from the Lincoln Rd end of the NW cycleway to Flanshaw Road and the Twin Streams Path is somewhat improved.

The approach path at the end of Flanshaw Rd is unchanged…

path old narrow AT-1
…which is a pity because (like the heavily used branch to Central Park Drive on the western side of the bridge), it is rather narrow (1.8m) and has not been well maintained.

path damage 1-1path damage 2-1path damage 3-1path damage 4-1
Bear in mind, this is the northern end of the standard-setting Twin Streams Path – but it appears to have fallen between the cracks, neglected by Auckland Transport and/or the Council’s Parks department.

The narrowness of the path is a real issue, given that this is meant to be a mixed use path and barely accommodates two-way cycling. In fact, the Fulton Hogan team had to constrict the connection of their new ramp to meet up with the old path:
1.8m AT path entry-1
So the ramp has been built to Auckland Transport’s good standards, but the original AT path doesn’t match!! Happily, once you’re through this unfortunate narrow point, the new bridge is wide and smooth, based on very thick rough-sawn planking:
3m wide-1
… with a good dose of glued and screwed anti-slip strips – and more of those to come when the supplier is back in stock.

Near the T-intersection with the new through-path to the NW cycleway, the ramp widens out to a full 5m at the junction.
5m wide at the junction

Turning around and looking back down the ramp, though, you can see how quickly it narrows:
view from the top-1
Meanwhile, the path across the Henderson Stream Bridge has some final work to be done, but is now largely cleared of fencing. It is mostly 4m wide, which is a great thing. Breathing space for all!
4m wide bridge path-1
I wonder how long until fishermen/women are back at that rail like they used to be? At least there will be some room to get past now, unlike in the old days of the metal grating and the rubber mats.

And, despite our encouragement at Community Liaison Group meetings, the new part of the path between Flanshaw Rd and the ramp still has wide detailed joints…
Path new joints-1

…which make for uncomfortable riding on a road/commuter bike with hard tyres (ker-thunk, ker-thunk!). Perhaps these joints could be easily filled with sealant to reduce the problem?

By the end of my day’s ride, the machines were busy up behind the pump house, dismantling the temporary works and getting ready for the connection through to Te Atatu Road. Not long now before we have almost a continuous path from Quay St all the way to Lincoln Road!

— Phil Robinson

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