We Salute A Quiet Revolutionary

Dec 21, 2016
We Salute A Quiet Revolutionary


2 min read

As 2016 draws to a close we are delighted to share the Christmas wishes we have received from a member of Bike Auckland’s team and a highly effective leader of the NZTA’s Share the Road project.

Richard and his big rig at K Rd’s Open Streets.

Richard Barter is a quietly spoken, powerfully motivated man, who is the changing hearts and minds of people behind steering wheels of big rigs and buses across NZ.

At the same time he’s opening the eyes of people on bikes by giving us practical knowledge about the blind spots of heavy vehicles that make them so hazardous when they pass us, or when we ride beside them. Look out for Richard and his big rig next year. Hop in it, and learn how you’ll how to be safer around trucks and buses next year. We guarantee you’ll be glad you did.



Season’s greetings from the Share the Road Campaign

share-the-road-logoIt’s been a great year for us, working with people all over New Zealand to help them understand the needs of those they share the road with. We’re proud to have been awarded the 2016 Leadership Award in Road Safety from Trafinz. We would like to thank YOU for not only making this possible, but enjoyable and satisfying to boot.

The campaign rolled along rapidly (but very safely!) through 2016. By putting truck and bus drivers on bikes and having cyclists climb in behind the wheel of a heavy vehicle, the Share the Road campaign has built empathy and respect between users of the largest and smallest vehicles on our roads. We reached over 1,000 road users this year through activities and demonstrations, engaging 250 drivers and 179 cyclists in workshops.


Here are a couple of things our participants had to say:

It made me look at myself and I’m a better driver around cyclists now – Bus driver, Nelson 

I really enjoyed the truck part, it was a wonderful insight – Cyclist, Napier

Our cyclist workshops have gone from strength to strength in 2016 with Will Andrews joining the team in September to boost the programme. These workshops offer strategies for those who cycle in traffic by demonstrating just how restricted vision can be from the cab of a heavy vehicle. Again, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

I would recommend it for any keen cyclist, regardless of level of cycling experience – Cyclist, Hawkes Bay

That’s us for 2016. Have a wonderful Christmas break, celebrate safely through the New Year and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2017!

Warm regards,

Richard Barter

Campaign Manager, Share the Road


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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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