1 min read

One year down the track from the creation of The Super City, The Aucklander asked a panel of residents “how have the changes affected you and your area?” CAA Chair Barb Cuthbert was one of those interviewed. Barb commented…

“I definitely feel more of an Aucklander. Devonport in particular has been a winner because over half a million dollars has been invested in upgrading the wharf for the Rugby World Cup. I wouldn’t expect to see a change for individual suburbs within a year, as so much has been poured into the new centralised systems. This is a sound investment as it will pay dividends in the years to come.”

She feels Len Brown needs more support from the Government and Aucklanders.

“Len is working hard to spread himself across the region. He is doing a good job on big issues like cajoling the government into the vital projects like the CBD tunnel. The general population has to support him in the coming election. We need to give the Government the message that they can’t denigrate Auckland with cheap point scoring games. Auckland deserves collaboration, not big brother treatment from Wellington.”

She believes progress has been made already.

“The Auckland, Local Board Plans and Waterfront Auckland plans show the way to a future that will transform Auckland into an engaging space for its citizens. However I am appalled by the arrogant response from the Government to Auckland initiatives. It is ‘business as usual’ from Wellington – motorways to the far reaches of the region, support for more urban sprawl and ridiculous rhetoric over the CBD tunnel. Auckland got the super-city because it is the economic engine for the country. The sooner the government collaborates the better.”

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