New Plymouth District was fortunate to be awarded the Model Community funding from NZTA in June 2010 to develop walking and cycling initiatives, encouraging people out of their cars and onto shared pathways and streetscapes by making walking and cycling the easiest transport options.
They are holding an interactive workshop on Thursday 14th and 15th of March to share the work they are doing, projects completed, underway and the lessons they have learnt. For further information visit their Let’s Go Experience page.
[Editor’s Note: Some weeks ago, Cycle Action Auckland, NZTA and Auckland Transport hosted a small-scale get-together where engineers / planners from New Plymouth and Napier came to Auckland to do a workshop discussing the successes & challenges they faced. It’s great to see more such initiatives, because as we have seen in Auckland, public support for cycle projects definitely stands or falls by how smart one is about promoting the case for them.]