For the latest update, please read our March eNews!
9 December update
There is still keen interest from cyclists and the media about the Tamaki Drive issue. The latest Cycle Action e-News gives a report of actions leading up to the second meeting of Council’s Working Party, held on 9 December.
The meeting discussed a report from staff – ‘Quick Wins’, ‘Short Term’ and ‘Longer term’ measures to improve the safety of Tamaki Drive for all. These will be reported to the Tamaki Drive Forum to be reconvened in late January. Recommendations will then go to the Transport Committee meeting in the first week of February.
The Quick Wins include temporary signs to be in place for the summer highlighting that Tamaki Drive is a gorgeous place for us all to enjoy. The signs will also stress the area should be safe for all road users, with such messages as:
- Cyclists ride single file
- Motorists watch out and give way to cyclists
- Pedestrians look before you step out’
Other longer term suggestions from the Working Party include:
- ‘Alert’ speed signs
- Adding new sections of peak hour clearways and new cycle lanes
- A review of street parking by boat trailers and cars causing hazards to cyclists
- Monitoring the impact of the new T2 trial on cyclists and a review of the one year term of the trial
- Discussions with ARTA to extend the Link bus along Tamaki Drive to allow more people to use public transport to access beaches
- Special events and villages on Tamaki Drive.
All these suggestions will now be investigated by Council staff, and consultation with the public and stakeholder groups will take place.
Cycle Action is grateful for the chance to work with other members of the Working Party.
Tam White, Karen Hay and Penny Pirritt have pulled out all stops to make the Working Party a success. We know they are already under pressure pre-Christmas. We appreciate the hours Penny and her staff have put in to allow the Working Party to meet the February Transport Committee reporting deadline.
For further information please contact Barbara Cuthbert, Cycle Action Media Contact, 0274 125 824.
Where are cyclists getting hurt?
Check out the Google Map of Tamaki Drive crashes.