Breakfast Conversation Session: Cycling & Auckland Issues – Thur 7 Feb

Breakfast Conversation Session: Cycling & Auckland Issues – Thur 7 Feb

Bike Auckland

1 min read

Next Breakfast ConversationPlease join us for this year’s first session at the Art Gallery Cafe! Good conversation on the big issues for Auckland cycling, transport and city design.

It’s informal and all welcome… No need to RSVP….just drop in whenever suits. See you there!.

from 7.30am onwards

Thursday 7th February

Art Gallery Cafe, Level 1

(enter from cafe terrace off Albert Park)

Monthly breakfast get togethers are a great way to hear and dicsuss the latest urban cycling news over the great coffee at the gorgeous Art Gallery Cafe.

This month’s graphic reminds us that the Auckland Skypath, the private proposal for a walking and cycling path over the Auckland Harbour Bridge, will be back before the Auckland Council’s Transport Committee this month (on the 13th February). Look forward to hearing your point of view on this any other hot topics – see you on Thursday!

Join us

Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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