Our own Barbara Cuthbert has been nominated for an award as CAN Cycle Champion.
You all know what amazing work Barbara does for CAA and on behalf of all Aucklanders (and in fact, all New Zealanders) to create a better cycling environment and make this a better city and country to live in.
When Auckland is named as one of the great cycling cities of the world, it will largely be down to the time and effort put in by people like Barbara. I really hope Barb takes out the award as she thoroughly deserves it.
Here is the summary of why she has been nominated:
Barbara Cuthbert
Barb Cuthbert’s contributions to cycling in Auckland and New Zealand are numerous. She first became involved in cycling advocacy through her work as a planner on the Northboro Reserve walkway. She started riding a bike for transport and has never looked back. Not only has she worked to build a greater degree of collaboration between the local advocacy group in Auckland, Auckland Transport, and NZTA but she has also encouraged and worked to gain other advocacy groups around NZ greater access to and collaboration with their NZTA Regional Directors.
Barbara has been at the forefront of all Cycle Action Auckland’s achievements since 2009 (http://www.bikeauckland.org.nz/about/achievements/). In, 2013, she worked to have a greater integration between cycling and public transport in Auckland, working with Auckland Transport on bike parking facilities at train , bus, and ferry hubs. To pursue excellence in the redesign of Tamaki Drive she set up a working party which brought numerous stakeholders together to ensure the best outcome for infrastructure changes and road user behaviour, including piloting the road cyclist courtesy pilot “Good Bunch” In addition to progressing big projects like the Grafton Gully Cycleway and the new Nelson Street off Ramp Pilot, Barb has worked hard to continue to ensure Auckland Transport and NZTA in Auckland are pursuing quick wins.
Contact: Barbara Cuthbert barbcuth@gmail.com