An ode to staying power and wonderful allies

3 min read

It’s been a spectacular fortnight for cycling in NZ. And last night’s SkyPath consent celebration at Northcote Tavern showed we are on course to make Auckland a fabulous cycling city.

As I stood under the Harbour Bridge waiting for the Northcote ferry to take me and others back to town after our celebration, I felt the bonds that link all parts of Auckland to form a strong unified city. SkyPath allows us to see that the cosy, comfy Northcote tavern is only a short ride from Ponsonby, and a toddle from Britomart and the downtown ferry terminal.


That’s how we want Auckland to feel. We’ll always live in a series of villages, the Grey Lynns, the Mangeres, the Te Atatus and the Howicks and the Devonports. But we are equally part of a whole that deserves our loyalty.

We are still digesting the Government’s and Council’s allocation of stunning stacks of dollars to cycling. The prospect of a third of a billion dollars to spend in NZ cities and a big funded programme for Auckland is literally fabulous. And we all know it will only happen if we keep our heads down pushing each of our Councils to get those designs cleared pronto, and the diggers out turning sods.

For now, let’s reflect on SkyPath’s latest success.

Can you believe that the SkyPath project dates back to 2003 when the North Harbour Triathlon launched a public petition to ask the Government to build a walking and cycling path across the Harbour Bridge. Graeme Knowles was a leading light in that movement.

Skypath celebration Graeme, Barb and Bevan june 2015

Bevan Woodward took up the campaign with a dedication of such epic proportions that it brings to mind those who campaign for civil rights and other injustices. For Bevan the Harbour Bridge was such a glaring symbol of the unequal and poor provision cycling he saw across Auckland that it had to be changed. He is the star and owner of the current success.

Others have been beside Bevan and stayed behind the scenes. Many professionals have given their time pro bono, and others have worked to help support Bevan with the endless tasks that are the foundation of successful campaigns. My wonderful, talented friend in Cycle Action, Kirsten Shouler was one of those for over 5 years. New talents have come to the party more recently, such as our smart mates in Generation Zero who brought that torrent of thousands of submissions in support of the resource consent application.

All of you who give time and resources to Cycle Action have also played your part. (Special mention to our gorgeous Cycle Action stars Jolisa Gracewood and Jessica Rose who made our flash-mob event happen last night.)

Skypath celebration gang at Northcote Tavern June 2015The Commissioners’ decision for SkyPath states resoundingly that SkyPath is a critical link in a transport network. As I told the hearing, SkyPath’s time has come. A decade ago it would have stood alone in a wasteland formed by  car dominated transport spending. We’re turning that round, as new high quality cycling routes are underway to lead from all points of the compass to make the Harbour Bridge the essential and irresistible link in Auckland’s cycling network.

These new cycling routes are funded by the Government and Auckland Council, working through the Transport Agency and Auckland Transport, Waterfront Auckland and other Council agencies. I consider the time has come for these same bodies to help push the SkyPath over the line, as they all said at the hearing they support SkyPath. The community has put in the hard yards to gain the consent and fronted up to show we’re not going away.

To all of you – thank you. We’re not there yet, so we’re not resting on our laurels. Stay staunch and engaged. We need you behind us more than ever before!

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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