Still no time to give you a photo, sorry – but here’s a tempting taster instead. As I suspected, this discussion has attracted comments on red light running by cyclists – and justifications for it.
This is the perfect segue for the highly topical presentation that Daniel Newcombe has offered to give Cycle Action friends and contacts later this month. It is the result of a very useful study he has completed, analysing why, how often and in what situations cyclists run red lights. He has compared the frequency with pedestrians and car drivers running red lights at the same intersection. More importantly Daniel has made very practical recommendations on what can be done to respond to the learnings from his study. We’ll be keen to hear at the presentation how our partners and colleagues at AT and NZTA will be applying his practical advice.
Our editor will release details of Daniel’s presentation in a few days. We know there will be lots of interest – we’ll make it a FB event so you can all RSVP.
A request was published on our FB yesterday. I am publishing it here, as I fully endorse the message. I know it will raise a storm from those who passionately reject bike helmets, and others who believe that red lights do not need to be observed by cyclists.
As Chair of Cycle Action I spend alot of time debating these issues. Politicians and members of the public frequently raise them when I do public presentations for cycling. I respect the differing views on both helmet wearing and red light running, but I would prefer to spend my time working to achieve more safe cycle routes, including those with road strips that are triggered by all cyclists. The helmet issue is not a priority for Cycle Action – so we accept the law and support helmet wearing. Red light running is not acceptable by any road user in my opinion. I therefore thank John McKillop for writing this FB item and support his request.
“Had an interesting ride today from Newmarket down to Britomart (well, actually, that was only part of a lovely 60km ride) when I was followed by a lady and a bloke. I knew she must have been a lady as she was wearing a beautiful, open at the front, flowing red coat; beautiful brown calf length brown boots; gorgeous flowing golden locks; and a lovely handlebar basket decorated with lovely flowers. I thought she was probably a member of Frocks on Bikes. The bloke was quite plain by comparison.
What was really fascinating about the lady was that she was carrying her crash helmet in the handlebar basket. I thought that that was really great use of the basket and it set off the flowers beautifully. The bloke wasn’t wearing a helmet either, but he wasn’t bothered about taking his along for the ride.
Once down in to Customs St they got to the intersection of Customs and Fort and both decided that red lights were not aimed at them. Then, at Gore St, they decided again that red lights were meant for cars, and not bicycles, as they turned left in to Gore St and disappeared from view. I was tempted to follow to congratulate them on their impeccable riding style, but I had a ferry to catch.
So, if any of you guys recognise them from what I have said, please have a gentle word in their ears and let them know, even though they looked totally charming today, they did nothing to further the interests of cycle safety in the fair city of Auckland.”