What’s the buzz? A bike track working bee, that’s what

2 min read
Can you dig it?
Can you dig it? Sure you can!

Here’s a brilliant local initiative: locals in Glen Eden are working hard to create a bike track in Kowhai Reserve and are looking for help. Council has allowed them to use space in the reserve to create a pump track with a couple of jump-grinds, which will provide a great opportunity for more people to get on their bikes and have fun. Win win!

They hold working bees on the last Sunday of the month – the next one is this weekend, Sunday 28th June from 3-5pm.

Keen to roll up your sleeves and helping out? Contact Davian at pogoeclipse@gmail.com for more information on how you can help create a great piece of cycling infrastructure.

Meet at the Titirangi Badminton Club carpark, entrance from Withers Rd.
Meet at the Titirangi Badminton Club carpark, entrance from Withers Rd.

If you’re interested in how to do something similar in your neighbourhood, Davian has these tips:

  • talk to someone who’s done it already!
  • scope out suitable park space (in the case of Kowhai Reserve, there was existing surplus dirt onsite from the construction of the badminton courts, which instantly solved one piece of the equation)
  • get in touch with the Parks department at Council – they’ve been wonderful to work with, says Davian
  • seek support and advice from existing bike groups – the Auckland MTB Club has been a great help.
  • use Neighbourly, Facebook, local noticeboards to get the word out and rally the troops
  • get your friendly service clubs on board – Rotary, Lions – heck, even the fire-fighters if they happen to be passing by!
  • talk to your Local Board about how your project can link in with greenways and other planned cycling improvements nearby, so you can put your bike track on the map

We’d add: start a Bike Burb group, which will help you bring together likeminded people, organise events (how about a mini Open Streets?), and chat with local businesses about e.g. bike parking and discounts for customers on bikes. Check out the excellent Bike Te Atatu (also here) and Bike Devonport to see how it’s done.

All photos in the post courtesy of Davian Lorson. 

Barrowloads of fun on a Sunday
"What is the nature of your emergency?" "Um...a pump track needs dampening down a bit." Local fire-fighters, who happened to be passing by, lend a hand.
“Please state the nature of your emergency.” “Um… a jump needs dampening down a bit…?” Local fire-fighters, who happened to be passing by, lend a hand.
Test runs are a very important part of the process.
Test runs are a very important part of the process.
This is what it's all about!
This is what it’s all about!


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