What’s the buzz? A bee-themed bike ride!

Sep 30, 2016
What’s the buzz? A bee-themed bike ride!

Bike Auckland

1 min read

All aboard a sweet honey of an adventure, buzzing around on bikes visiting bee-friendly spaces and doing what we can to make sure bees feel at home in our city. Fun activities for everyone, including music, face painting, tree planting and much more.

Prizes for the best dressed bee and flower on the day!

You can join in at any stage of the ride, and all ages and abilities welcome. Scroll down to see the map – note that off-road cycleways form a large part of the route.

Here’s the programme for the day; you can ask questions and find more info over on the event page:

9.00am Victoria Park: Blessing + Welcome

9.30am Daldy St Community GardenWorking Bee Party

10.00am Albert St: Face painting + Pollinating People

11.00am Symonds St Junction Community Garden: Herbal Tea + Garden Art

12.00pm Lot 23, Minnie St: Lunch + Bike Maintenance + Bees in Short Films

1.00pm Kingsland Community Orchard: Planting Bee Food + Park Party

2.00pm Te Maara St Columba Community Garden: Tour with Plant Id

2.30pm Hakanoa Reserve: Pollinator Plant Party with Pollinator Paths 

3.00pm Kelmarna Organic Community Gardens and City Farm (website here) Beekeeper Talk + Afternoon Tea



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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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