What CAA submitted II… [Local Boards]

6 min read

[Note: Where these CAA submissions on your Local Board area – done as part of the LTP submission, open till 4pm Friday! – has nothing, or only a short generic paragraph, that generally meant that the Local Board did not seem to mention cycling much in their Local Board Agreement.]

Submission on the draft Local Board Agreements as part of the 2012 LTP


  1. Cycle Action Auckland would like to submit on the Local Board Agreements, as part of our draft LTP 2012-2022 submission (provided as separate document).


  1. As an Auckland-wide group, we submit on most (though not all) agreements. We generally only submit on their transport / cycling aspects.

Albert-Eden Local Board area


  1. We support the board’s initiatives to develop “green connections” for walk and cycleways, and to improve the cycling and walking networks mapping project. We suggest the latter also incorporate assessing signage improvements.


Devonport-Takapuna Local Board area

  1. We support the initiatives of the board to advocate to Auckland Transport for improving wharves (including cycle facilities at ferry terminals), and to improve cycle and walking connections in the Sunnynook area.


  1. We support the proposal to construct the Wairau Stream pedestrian bridge in the Milford area, to also improve cycle access.


  1. We support the board to advocate for better cycle facilities, especially to close remaining gaps on the route between the Takapuna and Devonport areas.


Kaipatiki Local Board area

  1. We agree with the proposed transport projects, in particular noting that:


    1. The multiple corridor improvement projects need to include provision for walking and cycling, noting that the Glenfield Rd Stage 4 corridor currently in progress is an excellent example to follow, with cycle lane and public transport facilities designed in from an early stage.
    2. The Northcote College Rd upgrade should ideally be brought forward from 2017/1, as it is a a key cycling route for local schools, AUT, and connectivity to Takapuna / Devonport.
    3. Consideration should also be given to improve cycle connectivity from Northcote Point into the Regional Cycle Network, to link with the future walk / cycleway over the Auckland Harbour Bridge.


  1. We endorse the inclusion of the Cycle and Walking Track Network into the Local Issues section of the plan. We see this as a key initiative to provide a connected on and off road network for both cycle transport and recreation.


  1. Cycle Action Auckland would like to assist as a key stakeholder in these initiatives. Our local knowledge, planning and engineering expertise with regard to cycling initiatives has been well-regarded on projects such as the Albany Highway and Glenfield Rd Stage 4.


Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board area


  1. We support the board’s priority to advocate to Auckland Transport to “ensure that our area is well-connected”, particularly the proposed improvements to footpaths and cycleways.


Manurewa Local Board area


  1. We support the board’s priority to advocate to Auckland Transport for the mapping of existing cycleways and the creation of new dedicated cycleways.

Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board area

  1. We strongly support the board’s advocacy in favour of improved walking and cycling facilities, under their headline of “Easy, connected and safe public transport, cycling and walking”.


  1. In particular, we support the board’s work to ensure walking and cycling are well-represented in larger-scale projects occurring in the board area.


    1. In regard to the AMETI projects, we are particularly keen to support the board in initiatives to ensure that the new roading facilities from Panmure towards Pakuranga, and from Panmure towards Sylvia Park, also provide well-connected cycleways.
    2. In terms of the Onehunga Precinct Plan, we support their initiatives to provide more walking and cycling connectivity to and through Onehunga, and towards the future foreshore reclamation area.
    3. In terms of the potential SH20-SH1-East Tamaki Link, we support the board in their concerns that this project, should it eventuate, needs to provide well for all modes, and also needs to consider the severance effects it could have on the areas it travels through.


  1. In the “Local parks services” key initiatives, we particularly support the Onehunga Bay foreshore restoration, for its potential for both recreational and regional cycling network access.

Orakei Local Board area


  1. We strongly support the board’s priority to implement the Tamaki Drive Action Plan, particularly actions related to pedestrian and cycle safety.


  1. We have concerns that transforming the Remuera Road bus lanes into T2 lanes could create significant downsides for cyclists on this route, similar to the safety concerns raised on Tamaki Drive after the city-bound bus lane there was changed to a transit lane.


  1. We strongly support the use of the Eastern Transport corridor alignment for walking and cycling purposes.


  1. We strongly support the extension of the Orakei Basin walk and cycleway across Hobson Bay towards Tamaki Drive.


Papakura Local Board area


  1. We support the board’s priority to advocate to Auckland Transport for the extension of the walking and cycling networks through Papakura.

Puketapapa Local Board area

  1. We support the priority focus of the board in advocating for an “Greenways Network”, incorporating a variety of new or improved walking and cycling links in ecological corridors.

Waiheke Local Board area

  1. We support the board’s priority on “Improving our physical infrastructure”, particularly where it relates to maintaining and expanding pedestrian and cycling networks.


  1. We also strongly support the board’s priority to advocate to Auckland Transport for a New Zealand Cycle Trail (National Cycleway) bid for Waiheke.

Waitakere Ranges Local Board area


  1. We strongly support the board’s initiatives to maintain and further develop the Twin Streams networks of walking and cycling paths.

Waitemata Local Board area

  1. We strongly support the support the advocacy initiatives that the Local Board proposes to undertake with Auckland Transport.


    1. In particular, we support the proposed pilot project for a dedicated cycleway on the Richmond Road / Surrey Crescent route
    2. The various other cycling projects the board mentions as already being considered, i.e. on Carlton Gore, Beach Road (particularly important for linking the Northwestern Cycleway extension to Tamaki Drive / the Waterfront), and the Parnell-to-City Centre cycle route, via the Parnell Train Station underpass. We also support their engagement for long-term cycle improvements on Nelson & Hobson Street, as well as over SH16 at Wellesley Street East.
    3. We support their proposals to traffic-calm / lower speeds on various streets, due to the beneficial effects on cycling safety and general transport safety, and the positive outcomes on the urban environment.
    4. We support the proposed programme to install further advanced stop boxes and feeder cycle lanes.
    5. We support the proposals to master-plan Ponsonby Road and Richmond Road in a manner conducive to a better pedestrian and cyclist environment, as well as the proposals for an improved Franklin Road upgrade.
  1. We strongly support the support the advocacy initiative that the Local Board proposes to undertake with Auckland Waterfront, to create and support a coastal pathway along the waterfront for pedestrians and cyclists.


  1. In the “Local parks services” key initiatives, we support the provision of drinking fountains, and ask for this initiative to also encompass provision of fountains on cycle routes, and the proposal to ensure better traffic management and cycle / pedestrian safety and routes in the Auckland Domain.


Whau Local Board area


  1. We support the initiatives of the Local Board to undertake “Greenways” walk and cycleway planning, and to advocate for improvements to cycling links.



Contact Details

Barbara Cuthbert

Chair / Spokesperson

Cycle Action Auckland

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