A few years ago Cycle Action Auckland saw itself as working mostly for commuter and everyday cyclists. Road cyclists were another breed who did their own thing, and were not part of our world.
All of that changed the day that Mark Taylor from Mt Eden Cycles asked Cycle Action to help improve bunch riding on Tamaki Drive. This brought us in touch with road cycling leaders from shops in Central Auckland to develop the Good Bunch protocol, which in turn taught us more about the different needs of road cyclists. It was timely that we should gain this knowledge and wider cycling community, as road cycling issues occupy a lot of my time as Chair of Cycle Action Auckland. The old game of ‘hate on the lycra cyclists’ is still alive to some extent, but I am pleased I have learnt more about road cycling, have more road cyclists amongst our advisers, and can call on these new mates to help out on various programmes. Cycling in Auckland is stronger because of this collaboration.
I notice that this collaboration doesn’t seem to be happening in other cities across the country. Cycle advisers/advocates still occupy one world, and the road cyclists seem to be in another. I think that’s a shame. The reason why I say this is demonstrated by the May/June issue of the NZ Road Cyclist magazine in bookshops now. I recommend you get a copy. Road safety features throughout the magazine, from the front cover – where it lists ‘Cycling’s No 1 Issue – How to stay safe on NZ’s roads’ , to the editorial ‘Lead Out – Don’t Try this at Home’ , a number of very balanced and worthwhile ‘Letters to the Edito!r, and several feature articles.
This magazine highlights what a tight bunch the Auckland cycling community is becoming, as more of us make cycling a centrepiece for our lives – whether it be for transport, relaxation, sport, or touring- and keeping safe becomes a vital priority. As Chair of Cycle Action I celebrate this – we need everyone on board to change Auckland for cycling.
We would love to have more road cyclists as members of Cycle Action, as getting more money for cycling safety is about public visibility and strength in numbers. It costs bugger all, and means you are backing the hardest working team in town lobbying to improve cycling conditions across the Auckland region. Think about it, and join up! www.caa.org.nz
Thanks team!