It’s been underground longer than the tunnel boring machine, but the Waterview shared path project is finally ready to go public again, with information days coming up:
- Wednesday 23 July, 3pm to 7pm,
- Metro Football Club,
- Phyllis Street Reserve,
- Phyllis Street,
- Mt Albert
- Thursday 24 July, 3pm to 7pm,
- Avondale Baptist Church,
- 1288 New North Road,
- Avondale
The walk and cycleway will connect the Owairaka / south Mt Albert area (and the SH20 Cycleway) with Waterview and Point Chevalier (and the ShH6 Northwestern Cycleway). The Local Boards have also included planning work for a forthcoming stub route linking in from Avondale in the west. Much of the route will be through parks and along Oakley Creek.
CAA, together with Council and local communities, were one of the core groups successfully lobbying for this walk- and cycleway to be funded (by NZTA) as part of the Waterview Motorway works, back during the 2010-2011 consent process. However, it has taken a long time to proceed – while the funding was agreed during the motorway approval process, the route itself was not consented, so Auckland Transport has since been going through a long process of preparing the design and consent, and getting approval from various land owners.
The project team from Auckland Transport will be at hand to discuss the route, the two new bridges, and the further timeframe. Go be there, support this great project, and tell them to please get on with building it – so the cycleway opens before the motorway does.